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Package vgp.tutor.updatePanel

Tutorial class for combined used of JavaView update mechanism and AWT 1.1 events.

See: Description

Package vgp.tutor.updatePanel Description

Tutorial class for combined used of JavaView update mechanism and AWT 1.1 events. Any subclass of PsObject may have an associated info panel for inspecting itself in an interactive panel. The info panel may either be supplied by a superclass, or by providing a panel whose class name has appended '_IP' to the name of the class which shall be inspected. In this tutorial, the base class is MyClass and its panel is MyClass_IP. Invoking the method getInfoPanel() returns an instance of the panel, as done in the main(String []), which can be inserted in a frame or in other panels. In JavaView, the panel is usually added to the control window.

The base class and its panel communicate via the methods update(Object) once the base class is registered in the panel as its parent. This registration is done in the super class PsObject after the first call of getInfoPanel().

Base class and its panel separate the data and the widget user interface. The base class contains the data and is usually embedded in a program, while the panel contains the widget representation. The panel is just attached to the base class and only accessible through it.

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